瑞士当地时间2024年1月17日下午,第二届达沃斯全球母基金峰会在瑞士达沃斯成功举办。本届峰会,由全球母基金协会和中国国际科技促进会母基金分会联合主办,母基金研究中心(www.china-fof.com)承办。这是2024年全球母基金行业的开年大会,同时也是全球母基金行业久违的一次多边对话,近百位全球母基金与基金行业的重量级人物共聚一堂,共同商议跨越经济周期的奥秘,展望全球母基金行业发展的未来。本次峰会为全英文会议,由瑞士银行(UBS Switzerland AG)执行董事龚文熙主持。
On January 17, 2024, the Second Davos Global FOF Summit is successfully held in Davos, Switzerland. The summit, sponsored by the Global FOF Association and hosted by the FOF Research Center (www.china-fof.com), is a long-lost multilateral dialogue for global fund of funds. Hundreds of guests gather together to discuss the secrets of transcending economic cycles and look forward to the future development of the global fund of funds industry. This summit is an all-English conference. The host of the summit is Wenxi Gong, executive director of UBS Switzerland AG.
峰会伊始,主办方全球母基金协会主席唐劲草先生首先向现场来宾致欢迎辞,并发表了主题为《Global FOF Report 2023》的演讲,介绍了当前全球母基金行业发展的相关情况。
图为全球母基金协会主席 唐劲草
At the beginning of the summit, Mr. Jason Tang, president of the Global FOF Association, delivered a welcome speech and a speech titled "Global FOF Report 2023", introducing the current development of the global FOF market.
图为UBS Switzerland AG董事总经理 Thomas Boegli
UBS Switzerland AG董事总经理Thomas Boegli唐松发表了题为《Switzerland: Home of family wealth》的演讲,介绍了瑞士在家族财富管理方面的优势以及瑞士银行的相关实践。
Thomas Boegli, Managing Director of UBS Switzerland AG, delivered a speech titled "Switzerland: Home of family wealth", introducing Switzerland's advantages in family wealth management and the practices of UBS.
图为洋河股份董事长 张联东
Liandong Zhang, Chairman of Yanghe Stock, delivered a speech titled “Propagate ‘Round Square’ concept to create a ‘Colorful’ Future”, and shared insights into the symbiosis between finance and the real economy as well as the enterprise development.
图为Caravelle International Group Independent Director Dr. Alon Rozen
Dr. Alon Rozen,Caravelle International Group的Independent Director,介绍了海洋科技方面的创新。
Dr. Alon Rozen, Independent Director of Caravelle International Group, introducing the innovation of marine science and technology.
图为中文在线董事长 童之磊
Zhilei Tong, Chairman of COL Group Co., Ltd., gave a speech introducing the concept of WEB3.0. He stated that 2023 is a crucial year for the rise of artificial intelligence and looks forward to the acceleration of the productivity revolution brought about by artificial intelligence in the future.
图为清华大学苏世民书院院长 薛澜
Lan Xue, President of Su Shimin College at Tsinghua University , pointed out in a speech that China currently has the most scientific papers published in the world, and there will be more innovative achievements in the future in China. He also put forward relevant prospects and suggestions for the future development of artificial intelligence.
Two panel forums were held at the summit: "New investment trends of FOFs from a global perspective" and "Economic Development and Investment under Global Changes ".
在《全球视角下母基金的投资趋势》论坛中,中金资本管理委员会委员、董事总经理安垣作为主持人,深度对话嘉宾:1、方源资本董事长兼首席执行官唐葵,2、Somerset Reinsurance Ltd., Bermuda与Monument Re Group, Bermuda的Member of Board of Directors,Michael Winkler,3、EDMOND DE ROTHSCHILD的Senior Client Advisor,Steve YU,and 4. Emma Liao, Founder & CEO of Pioneer Capital。主持人与嘉宾围绕全球母基金的投资趋势与未来投资方向、投资环境的变化展开了精彩的讨论。
In the first panel “New investment trends of FOFs from a global perspective”, AN YUAN, Managing Director of CICC Capital Management Co.,Ltd., made an in-depth discussion on the investment trends of global funds of funds, future investment directions, and changes in the investment environment with 1. Frank K. Tang, Chairman and CEO of FountainVest Partner, 2. Michael Winkler, Member of Board of Directors of Somerset Reinsurance Ltd., Bermuda and Monument Re Group, Bermuda, 3. Steve YU, Senior Client Advisor of EDMOND DE ROTHSCHILD, and 4. Emma Liao, Founder & CEO of Pioneer Capital.
在《全球变革下的经济与投资》论坛中,波士顿投资B Capital的中国区负责人、主管合伙人蔡薇作为主持人,深度对话嘉宾:1、Aurorae的Managing Director,Ellen Van den Broek,2、WinWin Law PLLC的Managing Director,Simon L. Tang,3、Schiru Consulting GmbH的Manager/Owner,Schindelholz Jens,以及4、Stepstone Group的Managing Director Investment team,Alesia Dawidowicz。主持人与嘉宾围绕当前全球经济环境变革与未来的投资方向和风险管理进行了分享。
In the second panel “Economic Development and Investment under Global Changes”, Daisy Cai, General Partner and Head of China of B Capital, together with 1. Ellen Van den Broek, Managing Director of Aurorae, 2. Simon L. Tang, Managing Director of WinWin Law PLLC , 3. Schindelholz Jens, Manager/Owner of Schiru Consulting GmbH, and 4. Alesia Dawidowicz, Managing Director Investment team of StepStone Group, shared on the changes in the current global economic environment and future investment directions and risk management.
图为瑞士银行(UBS Switzerland AG)执行董事 龚文熙
The summit also released the "List of the World's Best FOF Investment Institutions in 2023". The award ceremony was also held. The list, made by the Global FOF Association in the assistance of investment associations from Europe, the United States, the Middle East and other regions, consists of four sub-lists: TOP50 Best Performing FOFs in the world, TOP30 Most Promising FOFs in the world, TOP20 Best Secondary Funds in the world, TOP30 Most Influential FOF Investors in the world.
最后,在第二届达沃斯全球母基金峰会的晚宴(FOF Party)上,嘉宾们进行了充分、愉快的交流,峰会在对全球母基金行业的美好期盼愿景中圆满落下帷幕。
图为FOF Party
At the dinner of the Second Davos Global FOF Summit (FOF Party), the guests had a pleasant exchange, and so successfully concluded the Second Global FOF Summit.
During the multi-day trip, after 2020, as China's largest unofficial Davos delegation in 2024, the guests also participated in a number of events:
On January 15, the participants attended the Liaoning-Switzerland Economic and Trade Cooperation Promotion Conference held in Zurich. The conference is sponsored by the People's Government of Liaoning Province. Multiple speeches were delivered during the conference.
On the evening of the 15th, the Global FOF Association held a welcome dinner in Zurich to welcome all the guests attending the second Davos Global FOF Summit. The dinner ended in a cheerful atmosphere.
On January 16, the participants took the Glacier Train to participate in the World Economic Forum.
On the same day, they also participated in the Genting Highlands Forum. The Genting Highlands Forum is an important exchange event established by the World Economic Forum for the Chinese delegation. It takes openness, inclusiveness and innovation as its core concepts and is committed to promoting the sustainable development of the global economy. The theme of this forum is AGI and the future of mankind. Wang Wei, chairman of the Financial Museum and founding president of the Quanlian M&A Association, Tong Zhilei, Chairman of COL Group Co., Ltd, and Zhu Shanshan, chairman of Taiyi Group and executive director of the Gansu Artificial Intelligence and East-West Calculation Industry Alliance, attended the forum.
On the evening of January 16, the 2024 Tencent Finance Winter Davos Forum theme dinner "Dream Blue Night" was held in Davos. Mr. Jason Tang, President of the Global FOF Association, attended the dinner. More than 20 well-known people in the field of politics and economics, including Zhu Min, Vice Chairman of the China International Economic Exchange Center and former Vice President of the IMF, Chen Maobo, Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government of China, Xue Lan, President of Su Shimin College at Tsinghua University , Zhang Xiaoyan, Vice President of Tsinghua Wudaokou School of Finance, Member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and National Qi Wang Yi, deputy director of the Expert Committee on Waiting for Change, Jin Keyu, professor of economics at the London School of Political Science and Economics, Hu Zuliu, founder of Chunhua Capital, Lu Minfang, president of Mengniu Group, Sun Jie, CEO of Ctrip Group, Jiang Ying, chairman of Deloitte China and member of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, attended the dinner to discuss the world economy.
On January 17, the participants attended the 2049 Forum. The 2049 Forum focus on the future and explore how to use AI technology to improve the efficiency and success rate of M&A transactions and cross-border investments, and how to use Web3.0 and Metaverse to expand business ecology and sales channels, and how to respond to new challenges and opportunities.
On January 18, the participants visit the headquarters of UBS Group. UBS Group is one of the largest financial holding groups in Europe, headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland. Its main businesses include investment banking, private banking, asset management, wealth management, etc.
This forum is not only a summary of the development of the global fund of funds industry in 2023, but will also bring new directions and impetus to the development of the industry in 2024. The future of the global fund of funds industry is promising!
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